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Doug Peters
Art Direction, United States South Dakota Sioux Falls
Tel: 605 6109001
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Brief Summary
Just thought I'd sign-up for the free account, I am way too busy to deck-out a portfolio, but I'll come up with something eventually.

I design logos, ads, websites, user interface experiences (UIX) & fonts.  

The biggest trouble a web designer has is that he often relies on open source software, which is notorious for all sorts of security holes and has to be updated constantly.  This isn't such a big deal if you only manage one site, but as a designer, a domainer and a brand expert, I manage quite a few.  Quite honestly, it gets tiresome updating stuff all the time, and these security updates always happens when I am very busy with 101 other things that are also very important.  

Hence, I rely more on my design code than other people's crappy jerry-rigged open source software.  

This makes me more of a designer than a developer, though if providing a website for a client they would get a fully functional Content Management System (an un-named brand of CMS that will remain unbranded).  

But truthfully, I am all about the brand.  I love creating logos and I have even setup a few of my own websites to test brands now and again.  I even design my own fonts for fun, as well as for logos. I love developing websites from a small 8 page presence into a professional, well established portfolio, social network or even an e-commerce powerhouse.

I also dabble in art.  I particularly love to draw and paint, but these days I do most of that digitally.  I often experiment with my own textures and amateur photography.

I care about family and community a great deal.  My son is a great source of inspiration and motivation for me.  If you come to know me, you will hear me bragging about him a great deal, he is a smart, talented, honest and good kid who is turning into a very worthful man.
I am no longer taking clients on willy-nilly.

I have found that clients who are not art educated invariably always pick the worst design without fail.  No matter how I fight to steer them in the right direction for an awesome UI and a positive brand presence, the client will always ruin a project.  

Because of that, I have no real portfolio to show, I am not proud of anything I have done for a client.  Therefore, I will no longer take on any new clients unless I am granted dictorial full control over the project from start to end.
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