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Shanelle Roberts
User Interface Design, United States Washington Bellevue
Tel: 425 318-1586
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Brief Summary
Shanelle is a visionary UI designer with a passion designing and interacting with beautiful, intuitive interfaces. Delighting the user with breathtaking graphics and logical content organization based on its importance and function so the user is quickly guided from start to finish is her primary objective. She balances what the business requirements are with what the user needs and turns it into effective user experience. Whether its illustrating icons, creating wireframes, organizing data, creating HIFI mocks, or compiling research, Shanelle is constantly looking for ways to help improve the process in which she works. Because improving the process increases productivity and gives the user more time, and who couldn’t use a little bit more time.

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Halliburton, Expedia, Microsoft,, VCA Antech, Wealthvisor, Glam Media, Tiny News, Purple Trail,, UN World Food Programme

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