Andy Ward is a UK based freelance illustrator. He studied painting at the Norwich School of Art before moving to London, spending eight years freelancing for editorial and advertising clients. His focus has since broadened to include toy design, jewelery and fashion, after spending six years living and working in Italy.
His illustration work has appeared on Airplanes, on sneakers, on the backs of busses, on billboards, in shop windows, on balloons, in magazines, on bikinis, in newspapers, on pencils, on jackets, in books, on stickers, on cd's, as record covers, on handbags, on coats, on t-shirts, on skirts, blown up for exhibition displays, hand sewn in sequins, miniaturized for mobile phones, on the TV, on the catwalk, in the cinema, and online. He currently has three weekly slots in the Daily Mail and has held regular weekly or monthly slots in The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, and the Observer national UK newspapers. His animation work has been shown on TV, cinema, and more recently at London's IMAX cinema.
He works regularly with Spanish fashion label Custo Barcelona, having collaborated on around 300 pieces for their spring/summer and fall/winter 2006-2013 collections. His animated short film La Vuelta del Super Barrio made with Bob Jaroc, Plaid, and Super Barrio in Mexico City is now available on Warp Records.