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Tim King
Illustration, United Kingdom London London
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2016 - A Drawing A Day
Brief Summary
'A Drawing A Day' is a bi-annual project. Starting in 2014, I have made time to observe, experience and draw everyday situations from life, from the mundane to the magnificent. I upload each image to a daily blog. My aim is to record the evolution in language, technology, behaviour and fashion in a way that a camera lens is unable to see.

These drawings vary in scale, time taken to complete and materials used. From a one-minute scribble on a receipt showing the bus journey home from work; to a busy bar scene drawn onto a bottle; to London landscapes taking over an hour. The way each drawing is drawn - what they are drawn with, what they are drawn on, what they depict – tells its own unique story; all part of my unique visual narrative exploration of daily life as seen through the eyes of a young Londoner.

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