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Shawn Conn
Illustration, United States New York Rochester
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Traditional Art
Brief Summary
Growing up at the tail end of the atomic age exposed me to a plethora of films, comics and books to feed my macabre, fantasy hungry soul. Sitting with my father and my brothers, late Saturday nights watching Gregory the Gravewalker screen a duo of horror, or sci fi films, or begging my mother to let me borrow her copy of Stephen King's, "Salem's Lot", was laying the foundation to what would become my lifelong passion. I could say that I create horror art to quell the darkness that resides within myself, or to shine the harsh light of art in the propensity for evil within all of us and to a certain extent, it is. But the real truth of the matter is that I create horror and fantasy art because it keeps me in touch with that happy contentment that I felt as a young and burgeoning horror fan. And, in a way, I guess I hope to share that same feeling with those that view my art. Either that, or scare the living sh*t out of them! Because that's a helluva lot of fun too!
Scream: The Horror Magazine (UK)
Mad Monster Magazine
May December Publications
One Buck Horror
Harcos Labs
Chad Pops
Paranoid Android Productions (UK)
Nick Everheart Productions
Warner Brothers
Shirt Punch
Tee Fury
Ript Apparel
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