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Michael Tompert
CGI Retouching, United States California Palo Alto
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Brief Summary
Michael Tompert is Designer-in-Chief of Raygun Studio, a digital imaging and CGI studio in Palo Alto, California. 
Apple, BBDO, Butler Shine, Canyon Design, Chiat Day, Goodby, Crispin Porter, JCP, JWT, Ogilvy, Tolleson Design, TwoXFour, and Y&R.
Professional Experience
Judged one of Luerzer's 200 Best Digital Artists in the world, Michael Tompert, a typographer, graphic designer and chief CGI artist of Raygun Studio, has made digital art his life. After years of honing his skills inside of Apple's Design group, he established Raygun Studio in 2005 as the ideal space for creating iconic new images using computers, retouching and photography well before the term CGI was coined. Not a factory, but an atelier for a collective of like-minded artists, where each image is handcrafted —modelled, captured, rendered, styled, retouched, composited, iterated upon and refined until it's perfect.
Visit the site or check out the blog for a behind-the-scenes look.
Awards and Recognition
Graphis, Communication Arts, PDN Magazine, Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Digital Artists;

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