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Philippe Debongnie
Illustration, Belgium Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Bruxelles
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Brief Summary
I am a Belgian illustrator. I paint, draw, print and Photoshop images. I love working with different mediums, tools and shapes. I also love portraits. I find the human figure to be so full of everything, I could draw faces for the rest of my life. The way people think, behave, dress, talk, sing and all they do inspire me a lot and that really makes me want to portray them. Most of the time, Photoshop is the place where my images come together. I draw, paint, doodle, sketch and paste it all together in Photoshop trying to keep a handmade look but also to bring more to it by digitally retouching it. The feeling I want to convey with my images is something like:”great, he drew that, well done, but how did he get that look? How does that work?” Handmade yet slightly disturbing in the end.

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