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Perttu Murto
Illustration, Finland
Kurkelantie 11 E 56
90230 Oulu
Tel: 040 5691424
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Brief Summary
Perttu Murto is a 22-year-old graphic artist & illustrator. He comes from the cold and dark land called Finland. He currently lives in northern Finland in a small and peaceful city called Oulu with his girlfriend and a Bengalese cat. He likes to cook, go to the gym and just hang out on his spare time.

At the moment Perttu is studying his first year in Oulu university of applied sciences business and information management.When he isn’t in school, he usually makes some works in Mainonnan Työmaa as a graphic designer.

He has been doing graphics since 2003 but still he has new and fresh ideas to use in his works. Despite of his young age he has received lots of positive feedback and work offers even from such big names as Dolce & Gabbana, ICON snowboards and Volvo Trucks.

Perttu is also one of the founders and one of the admins in a Finnish art community called He is also author in two of the most famous design portals in the internet Reform & Revolution and Digital Abstracts.

Perttu updates his graphical mind from the internet, where he reads and learns new things about graphic design which covers a surprisingly huge area.

Perttu has shown that it is possible to be successful in such a difficult field as graphic design even if you come from a small country like Finland with small marketing areas and without real place to study.

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