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Mario Sánchez Nevado
Art Direction,
Digital Art, Spain Madrid Madrid
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Brief Summary

I'm an independent Art Director and Illustrator. I was born in Barcelona, risen in Murcia and currently I live on the spanish capital, Madrid. I have got more than a decade of expertise on my back, illustrating and designing for music bands and publishing houses.

Besides for the passion I feel for all things creative (that gets shaded by surrealism, fantasy, sometimes political messages, and other, dark atmospheres), that I develop the freelance-way, I employ myself in other full-time activities, such as directing the international artistic collective Hysterical Minds, as well as writting from time to time, advanced user tutorials for Adobe Photoshop over at PSD Tuts from the Envato Network.

My main artistic capacities, apart from an eye for mathematical composition, color psychology and visual narratives, are photo manipulation and digital painting, that I usually combine to create my own distinctive aesthetic mark.

I'm open for all kind of commissions that fall inside the direction and production of illustration and design, and specially interested if it's for music bands or publishing houses!
Harlequin, Envato, CEPSA, Sra. Rushmore, Hysterical Minds, Laser CD, Ashent, Warner Chappel, Desktopography, Unexpect, Manic Opera, Metropolis Records, Pásatelo Teatro, Deathwalking, Defc Tactical, Last Relapse, Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca, Tribuna del Jurista, 15M, Third MIllenium Magazine, Albedo One, Science and Fiction Magazine, Innsmouth Magazine, The Manhattan project, Night in Wales, A.A. Attanasio, Lion Music, Graffito Books, Mad Artist Publishing, Speechless Magazine, and many, many more.
Awards and Recognition
MASTER award in Exposé (2012 & 2013), Excellence Award in Exposé (2011), Creajoven Photography 3rd place (2010), Premioweb La Verdad 1st place (2010), Nonsense society self-portait 3rd place (2011), Many Sided artist (2008)...

The Artbook 2010, Workbook 2010, Mirage (Mad Artist), The Zombook (Graffito), Gigerotica, What women don't want (Speechless), Advanced Photoshop Magazine, Der Bilderbeiter, Arte y Diseño, Nosólomúsica, El País, Público, La Verdad, S: Spanish Art compilation (Babylon), Inside art magazine, Retrospectiva (Bubok), Press I, 2Edged Magazine, Smashing Magazine, Athens Voice, Player Magazine, ....

2013: I Symposium of Art & Psychology (UDIMA; Madrid, Spain).
2013: Reflections from the awaken subconscius (CEF; Madrid, Spain).
2012: XX Euskal Encounter (Bilbao, Spain).
2012: II Parallax Art Fair (London, UK),
2012: Art takes Times Square (Times Square, NYC, USA).
2011: Cafetearte (Madrid, Spain).
2011: Found Sights: Thoughts about time & memory (LAB, Murcia, Spain).
2010: Memories Collector (Lab, Murcia, Spain).
2010: Illustrations from digital surrealism (Ocio, Murcia, Spain).
2010: I Meeting of Young producers (Ludwig Foundation, La Habana, Cuba).
2009: Proyect 5: Cyberart and new medias (Molinos del Río museum, Murcia, Spain).

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