Zoran Svraka
Industrial Design,
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Brief Summary

Zoran Svraka graduated with a Bachelor of Industrial Design from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana – Slovenia in 2007. He started to practise industrial design while he was still studying. After various collaborations with Design Agencies abroad, he joined the Istragrafika Company in 2007, largest packaging design and manufacturing Company in Croatia. Zoran's role was to integrate his creative spirit into packaging world. His packaging is shown in various packaging & product web sites as well as world design publications. He has received awards such as: Cropak 2010 prototype Packaging Award, 1st Award Urban Stone Competition and Preseren Award for industrial design. Besides packaging, he is designing various products witch could be seen at www.svrakadesign.com web site.

Endemit design & marketing (Slovenia) Imelda creative marketing agency (Slovenia) Arnoldvuga design studio (Slovenia) Breka (Slovenia) Drvoplast Buzet (Croatia) Ferotehna (Croatia) Ilkos (Slovenia) Istragrafika (Croatia) Kabi (Slovenia) Mehano (Slovenia) Mireo (Croatia) Adriateh (Croatia) Santoro Graphics Ltd. (Great Britain) Sava tires (Slovenia) Steklarna Hrastnik (Slovenia) Steklarna Rogaska (Slovenia) Steklarska Nova (Slovenia) Trentino Pietra (Italy) Tehnospoj (Croatia)
Awards and Recognition

2010  International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea “Pocket luck” Finalist
2010  PROCARTON & ECMA Cartondesign Finalist
2010  CROPAK  2010 Packaging Award “ Black&Wine” prototype
2010  AUTOMECHANIKA Fair, project “Quadra” exhibited in Frankfurt, Germany
2010  Published projects in "Design of the Year 2009”
2009  Published projects in "Design of the Year 2008"
2008  AUTOMECHANIKA Fair, project “Sferica” exhibited in Frankfurt, Germany
2006  AMBIENTA Fair – International Furniture Fair – project Kids bedroom
          exhibited Zagreb, Croatia
2005  PRESEREN AWARD for Industrial Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2004  Salone Internazionale del Mobile Fair – “Qbrick” project exhibited, Milano, 
2004  1st AWARD – Urban Stone Design International Competition - Project
          “Qbrick”, Trento, Italy
2004  BIO19 Biennial of Industrial Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Student projects)
2002  BIO18 Biennial of Industrial Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Student projects)

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