Stephane Eck
, Ra's Al Khaymah Beijing China
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Brief Summary
“Street artists, street art, graf­fiti, col­lage, tags, engrav­ing… The­ses words, before under­ground and mar­gin­als, are today even more dif­fi­cult to qual­ify. Street seems to be more and more present into peo­ple mind as a com­mon expo­si­tion place, fad­dish, but acces­si­ble to every­body. How­ever isn’t art present in the street since ages? Ste­fan Eck knows that per­fectly, and even he grinded his style over some walls in the north of France, it is through the ances­tral art of parades, cre­at­ing large metal­lic struc­tures and per­form­ing it in the streets, that he build a strong style and vision. From Bei­jing to New York, he devel­oped a strong and flour­ish­ing uni­verse, eval­u­a­tive, col­or­ful and inspired in a direct rela­tion­ship with his pub­lic.” Jekyll&Hyde mag­a­zine
Professional Experience

Car­ni­val Stras­bourg (France 1999 > 2001) – Mido­suji Parade (Osaka 2002 > 2004) – Urban Leg­ends (New York October2009) – Design Festa (Tokyo Octo­ber 2009) – Gallery Nucleus (Los Ange­les Decem­ber 2009) – Design Festa (Tokyo May 2010) – Res­i­dence Imag­ine, Artist res­i­dency pro­gram (Bei­jing April 2010) – Artaq award, Euro­pean Street art Awards (group exhi­bi­tion, Euro­pean tour 2010>2011) – RAW, Solo exhi­bi­tion (Bei­jing June 2010) – Kanon Cafe (Bei­jing June 2010) – Iberia Art Cen­ter, per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion space (Bei­jing) – Art Friendly Gallery, per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion (Brus­sels) – Chiyumo Art­space, per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion (Dali, China)


The House of Tate # 15 (Sep­tem­ber 2009) – Art Friendly Artshop (Brux­elles) – 22:blog (Novem­ber 2009) – Art­slant (Novem­ber 2009 show­case win­ner) – Pulp­tree (Jan­u­ary 2010 con­test win­ner) – Oeil (Self pub­lish­ing) – DrJekyl­letM­rHyde (Inter­view) – Gallery sights (1 fea­ture page) – Artaq Book 2010 (2 fea­ture pages) – Urban Leg­ends 2010 (2 fea­ture pages)

Present exhibitions

Fat Cap gallery (Sao Paolo 2011) – Chiyumo Art­space (Dali 2011) – You lucky bas­tard tour (US, 2011)

Per­ma­nent galleries

Chiyumo art­space (Dali, China) – Iberi­art cen­ter of con­tem­po­rary art (Bei­jing, China) – Gallery Art Friendly (Brus­sels, Belgium)

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