Brief Summary
Hello! My name is Daniel Fishel and I am an illustrator and hand letterer. I completed my undergrad in illustration at the University of the Arts and received my Masters in illustration as a visual essay at the School of Visual Arts. I live and work in Queens, New York where I enjoy listening to records while I work. I also love eating tiramisu,
looking up videos of Boston Terriers and reply to emails sent by people who think I’m an actress (Danielle Fishel. You know, Topanga on “Boy Meets World”). I also write an illustration business column for Agency Access Lab blog, like a boss.
New York Times, The Boston Globe, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio, Sundance Film Fest, New York Observer, The Globe & Mail, Huffington Post, Bloomberg View, Nylon Guys, The Stranger, American Lawyer Magazine, Seattle Met, Honolulu magazine, Notre Dame Magazine, Teaching Tolerance Magazine, Improper Bostonian, NBC Universal, Lands End, Arizona Iced Tea, No Sleep Records, Either Or Records, and many many others….possibly you?