Joseph Basnight
User Interface Design, Austin Texas United States
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Contact details
Tel: 571 2155101
Brief Summary
I'm a freelance multidisciplinary designer with experience working across a wide range of mediums. Over my career, I've been lucky enough to collaborate many agencies working with clients ranging from Nike, The Smithsonian, J. Crew, Anheuser-Busch, American Express, and a ton of startups. I am happily based in Austin, with my wife, daughter, and two dogs who unintentionally provide me with creative inspiration by enthusiastically agreeing to mid-day hikes when I'm in a creative rut.
American Express, AT&T, Best Buy, Bloomberg,  J. Crew, Openstack, NIke, Samsung, Smithsonian, US Bank
Awards and Recognition
Graphis, Step, Communication Arts, AIGA, FWA, New York Festival, How Magazine, USA Today, Addys, Creativity Inc, Digital Thread, Res 72 and my mom.

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