Brief Summary
Photo magazine
Legendary icon-maker, Derek has a long list of success stories with a career of
illustrious campaigns, with some of the biggest players in the commercial world.
PDN news
London-based advertising photographer Derek Seaward is the go-to man
for big production shoots that have to be done quickly and efficiently.
The award-winning Seaward is known for his extensive background in
automotive, product and location shooting, strong production skills in
handling multi-person, multi-location shoots, and he has the great
ability to know exactly how to light in all situations.
A remarkable volume of personal work that sells globally on the Internet and
through Agents and Galleries
My clients have been Audi, Alpha Romeo, BMW, Citroen, Chrysler,Daihatsu, Fiat,
Ford, Honda, Ferrari, Jaguar, Lancia, Mercedes, Mazda, Opel, Nissan, Peugeot,
Rover, Renault, Saab, Seat, Vauxhall, Volvo, Volkswagen, MAN Trucks, British
Airways, Barclays Bank, BAR, BAT, Sharwoods, Budweiser, Leffe, Hovis, Pentax,
Marantz, TDK, Moulinex, Sony, Tesco, BBC, British Gas, Ozalid, Olivetti, and many,
many more.
Awards and Recognition
the AOP Awards
D&AD Awards
One Shoe NY
XTO Awards LA
2014 Photography Masters Cup
IPA - Children category 1
IPA - Children Category 2
IPA - Still Life category
IPA-Other Category Series
The Open - Finalist
The Spider Awards
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