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matthew welch
Photography, United States
Tel: 323 462-4568
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Brief Summary
Matthew’s approach to making photographs strives to embody a classical sensibility with modern aesthetic. His pursuit is to make images that endure and remain timeless, while still being relevant and timely.
After graduating from Art Center College of Design, Matthew won numerous awards for his editorial, music and advertising photography. He was one of the first featured in the PDN’s inaugural “30 under 30” issue. For the final issue of Esquire Magazine for the 20th century; Matthew shot portraits on a timeline from 1 to 100 years of age titled “Century of Portraits”. This earned him awards from the Art Directors of NYC and the Society of Print Designers. His groundbreaking Apple iPod silhouette campaign earned him the Kelly awards, the One Show and Cannes amongst many others. He was also named as one of the of top advertising photographer by PDN and featured in trade magazines, such as Communication Arts. More recently his fashion story “By the Sea” for Flare magazine, won Best Editorial for the IPA/Lucie awards. Other notable projects include, working directly with David Fincher on the advertising, promotion and one sheets for the film “Fight Club” which featured Edward Norton and Brad Pitt.
Matthew’s diverse creative style also lends itself to music packaging, he has done multiple projects for bands at Warner Records, Sony Music and Universal amongst others. His photography was the centerpiece for the Grammy nominated special record packaging for rock band AFI and his directing work was previously nominated for an Mtv2 Best Music Video award. Other Advertising projects include, campaigns for Adidas, Nike, Sprint and American Express. Matthew’s portraiture has appeared in editorial publications such as Vanity Fair, Vogue, Rolling Stone and Entertainment Weekly.
Aside from his commercial endeavors, Matthew is working on several bodies of personal work and has more recently found himself directing commercials for clients like Sony Playstation, ESPN and more notably working with actor Adrian Grenier on a filmic commercial for Rock the Vote.

Matthew is always looking to collaborate on good ideas with creative people. He spends his time between Los Angeles, New York and Vancouver, B.C., with his wife and daughter.

Apple iPod
American Express
Rock The Vote
United Way, Red Cross
Silverstein and Partners
Wieden + Kennedy
Hal Riney / Publicis
TBWA Chait Day
Sony Music
Warner Brothers Records
Island Def Jam
Rolling Stone
Numero Tokyo
Entertainment Weekly
Men’s Journal
Vanity Fair
Wired Magazine

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