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olivia De la Borie
Photography, United States Nevada Henderson
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Brief Summary
Born and raised in Paris, France, i didn't grow up with dogs all around my house. But, as far as i remember, i always wanted to have a dog. My parents tried to adopt a dog when i wasn't even walking but guess what? they had to bring him back because the dog didn't like all!!! :/ Weird first experience....

I wasn't discouraged and first thing i did when i moved on my own was to get my own dog, april 1st 2000, fool's day, nobody believed me when i told them i just got myself the cutest French Bulldog on earth : Zoé. At the same time, i started to go to school to learn more about photography but that was a quick trip because i wasn't really made to seat on a chair all day long...

So i just kept my camera for my "free times" and try to look for a "real" job... What about an internship with a veterinarian? I did a year... then, i couldn't stand to see animals bleeding and dying so obviously that wasn't for me neither...

Still wanted to stay around dogs though, so what about Dogs Therapist? here i went, to learn ethology and dog's behaviors. As i was working for a Dog Rescue at the same time, that was very interesting and useful to help people with their relationships with their dogs. I loved it. But again, life brought me somewhere else and i had to quit every "dogs related" jobs to find a "serious" and bill-paying job, specially that i had 2 dogs now that needed to eat : Zoé and Vin's...

At the same time, a leopard cannot change its spots and i was always working on my passion : photography and i had the best barking models right under my nose. As i was posting my pictures on social networks, some people start to ask me to photograph their dogs. And you know the story, one thing to another... or should i say one dog to another...

But now, few months ago, Vin's and I packed our stuff (Zoé passed away in 2008), and moved to Los Angeles, where i started again from the beginning in our Chinatown photostudio for few months.

Now we're in Las Vegas, Henderson, new town, new adventure but after all those years being around dogs, trying to heal them, to understand them, to save them, to pet them, to photoshoot them, i learned a lot and enough to know that there is no job more serious than to make a dog SMILE. 

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