Brief Summary
Nils-Petter is an Award-winning illustrator and graphic designer from Malmö - Lund, Sweden
- currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. With over 15 years experience of painting and drawing
for clients. Graduated from School of Graphic Arts and Illustration in Lund 1994 and has been
working in the field of illustration and graphic design since then. Nils-Petter was awarded at the
Digital Artist Award in London 2009. His work is published in international graphic design publications.
Wallpaper* (UK)
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (US)
Men's Health Magazine (US)
Architectural Review (UK)
Gemalto (UK)
Economia Magazine (UK)
Unibail-Rodamco (SE)
Café (SE)
The Brand Union (SE)
Magasinet Filter (SE)
HIlanders (SE)
Albert Bonniers Förlag (SE)
Södra (SE)
Spoon (SE)
Awards and Recognition
Digital Artist 2009 - London, 3rd place in the category Graphic Design.
Svenska Publishingpriset 2006 - (Swedish publishing price) 1st price in the category "Reference Books" for the book "Hur vill vi ha framtiden" by GivAkt Information and Region Skåne. Nils-Petter made the comics for the book. The book was also nominated for The Swedish Design Price (Svenska Designpriset).