Actus Lend Lease, Alladin Industries, American Lawyer Media, B.A. Pargh, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Broker Magazine, Bridgestone/Firestone, Brooks & Associates, Caterpillar, Catholic Business League, Children’s Television Workshop, CMP Media, CMT, Cloverdale California, Colorado Premium, College Sports Magazine, Columbia/HCA Healthcare, Consumer Reports, Computer Life Magazine, Coca-Cola, Cozy's Cuts for Kids, Columbia 300, Dayna Corporation, Dudley Topper & Feuerzeig, LLP., Eagle Dry Goods, Faulkner & Gray, Futurekids, Inc., General Board of Discipleship, GoGorilla Media, Governing Magazine, Greeting Pen Company, H2Out Waterproofing, Hatcher Family Dairy, Home Life magazine, Information Security Magazine, Information Week Magazine, Jackson & Associates, John Kay and Steppenwolf, Kingswood Communications, Knoll, Kurzweil Music Systems, LifeWay Christian Resources, Lucent Technologies, Mac Gayden, Major League Baseball, Nativity Catholic Church, NBA, NFL, National Mortgage News, National Sporting Goods Association, New York Life, Nissan, NFIB, Nortel, New Orleans Downtown Development District, NuScript Pharmacy, Our Lady of the Island Shrine, Ozburn Hessey Logistics, Parent Life Magazine, Pathfinder Therapeudics, Inc., Performer's Theatre Workshop, Phillip's Deli, Practical Accountant, Prentice Hall, Putnam Investments, Rogers Group Inc., RYZEC Building Group, Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish, Saint Matthew Catholic Church, Saint Philip Catholic Church, Sani-Tech Jet Vac Services, Septien Entertainment Group, Simon & Schuster, So Cozy Children's Haircare, Sony PlayStation, Southwestern Company, Southern Land Company, Sports Illustrated, Square 2 Golf, Stephen King, Sterling Fibers, The Super Show, TIAA-CREFF, TNN, Thompson Financial, Town of Thompson's Station, Time Inc., United Methodist Communications, USAopoly, US Banker Magazine, Warner Brothers Records, Widchild Records, William H Sadlier, Williamson County Fair, Winter Harvest Entertainment, Yahoo! Internet Life, Yum-Yum Cookie Company, Ziff-Davis Publishing, ZZ Top