Michael Vash
Illustration, Los Angeles California United States
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Brief Summary
My name id Michael Vash and I am the creator of Vash Designs, an irreverent humor greeting card company.

My art career started after I graduated the Art Center College of Design with with a degree in Illustration. My first job was for Walt Disney Feature Animation where I learned so much working in the Layout Department, but most importantly that I never wanted a full time job again. I did get to work with some great people and on some amazing projects, like Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Roger Rabbit Trail Mix up.

Left the Mouse and started freelancing, primarily for ad agencies in the bay area, doing comps  and storyboards for most of the biggies like Saatchi, Goodby, McCann, JWT, etc. I eventually landed an art direction job at a boutique agency and was enjoying that until the dot.bomb fiasco and was layed off. The good news was that Vash Designs was born.
1500 plus retailers carry Vash Designs including the original wacky gift store Spencer Gifts.
Professional Experience
I can make one up upon request.
Awards and Recognition
Many cease and desist letters. does that count as an award. Many of my cards are social statements and parodies and I have been flattered to receive notice from. WD-40, M & M's Mars, Costco, Pillsbury, and probably a few others. At least I am getting noticed.

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