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DuPont Nutrition & Health – It's What's Inside
DuPont Nutrition & Health provides solutions that improve the quality and safety of food, while making it more affordable and healthier. DuPont partners with large multinationals, as well as national and regional food manufacturers and retailers to meet the health and nutrition needs and changing consumer tastes of current and future generations. IT’S WHAT’S INSIDE Ogilvy & Mather New York partnered with Ars Thanea for the launch of the global positioning and the creative platform “It’s What’s Inside”. This creative platform for DuPont Nutrition & Health, highlights the tangible and intangible “ingredients” that go inside the foods, drinks and supplements. It’s not just the physical ingredients that make food taste better and last longer, it's the science, solver mindset, insights and knowledge that delivers value to DuPont customers, and consequently for everyday consumers. This creative platform expresses each one of these ingredients and serves as an invitation to look inside a partnership with DuPont. This creative platform was created to answer the question about what is inside your food in a visually appealing manner, thanks to Ars Thanea photographers, CG artists and art-directors. The campaign visuals were created, not just to educate, but also to please your eyes.
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