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Randy Milanovic
Creative Direction, Canada Alberta Calgary
318 4014 Macleod Trail SE
Tel: 403 228-2525
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inbound agency - full service creative and marketing
Brief Summary
Principal of KAYAK.

Kayak helps organizations generate quality leads online with automated websites, social media and captivating content that engages visitors. We help organizations build their businesses online with activities that generate leads.
Over 400 companies from Rogers Communications and Avmax Aviation to Pharmaceutical and Investment firms...
Professional Experience
Randy Milanovic CGD, IMCP, AMM
Principal, Marketing

Inbound Marketing Certified Professional (with honours)
Certified Graphic Designer

Randy is an experienced visual communicator, communications strategist, lead talent and Principal of Kayak Creative Services Inc. He has led the Kayak team to develop and deploy Kayak's 3-point strategy for online marketing success.

Over more than two decades, Randy's experience includes extensive work with close to 400 companies and organizations, including Rogers Communications, the Intergulf-Cidex Group of Companies, Toromont Energy Systems, The Calgary Stampede, Trico Developments, Kudu Industries, Avmax Aviation Services, OmniArch Equity Partners, Newcastle Homes & Renovations, Elrus Aggregate Systems, Wharton Interior Design and the Calgary Business Airport to name just a few.

Through a career that began in the mid-eighties, Randy has developed a vast and diverse portfolio. He has been named on 60+ industry awards recognizing creative and strategic excellence.

Randy believes in creating win/win situations. He is more focussed on service than a sale, brings consideration, respect, ethics, a passion for fair dealing, and just the right team of talented professionals to every table.

Randy received his training at DeVry (business) and SAIT (printing) after three years of practical training in psychology. In 2011, he completed an intensive course, gaining an Inbound Marketing Professional Certification and scoring an Honours Distinction in the process.

A web site's visual design is only the starting point.

Ask the questions that matter: What happens after launch? Is there a plan or expertise ready to get my website generating and capturing qualified leads for my business?

If the answer is negative or even uncertain, it's time to contact Kayak.
An entrepreneur and regular volunteer, Randy fuels his creativity with worldwide travel and conducts information exchanges with counterparts from around the globe. He has visited work sites in Canada, the USA, France, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia and Germany.

Principal and owner of Kayak Creative Online Marketing, a Calgary internet marketing firm (2011-current)
Owner of HandyRandy Communications (1999-current)
Professional Member of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (1995-curent)
National VP of Communications for the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (2002-2003)
Founder of Get a Strategy! A strategic communications partnering initiative (1999-2009)
Amateur photographer with an interest in nature

On a more personal note...

On September 1st, 2009, I received a Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis. Nine days later, in incredible pain, a client I'd been working with only a few months arrived unannounced at my hospital room, told me to lay still and be quiet. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me he was going to give me energy...

...forward to today, energised, focussed and determined not to waste any opportunity (mine or yours or the gift I'd received), I've since:

- Won my battle with cancer
- Taken up kayaking (open invite to anyone who wants to go out for a paddle with me)
- Embraced a love for photography: macro, nature, animals... (check out my galleries)
- Obtained an honours distinction in inbound marketing
- Spent $20 (+$50 promo from Google) on an AdWords campaign and earned roughly $12,000
- Expanded my creative firm's business in the middle of a global downturn
- Launched my second company – Kayak Online Marketing – taking the firm from virtual unknown to online marketing industry-leader in under a year

What's next? Maybe that's something we can explore together. Let's connect at 403-228-2525 or
Awards and Recognition
Named on approximately 50 awards for creative and communication excellence.

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For networking, collaboration or inspiration.

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