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Lisa Coutts
Illustration, Australia Victoria Melbourne
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Brief Summary
I am a  Melbourne based illustrator who works from a crazy ex furniture factory studio complete with crooked floor. I call it charm. I have been a passionate scribbler all my life and made an honest living out of it after gaining a degree in Graphic Design. I have perfected my craft over the last 15 years and love to create characters and the worlds in which they exist, sometimes real sometimes fantastical.
Most of my work is in the children's market, though my work charms adults and children alike. My illustration has been used in books, magazines, advertising, packaging, stationary, greeting cards, festivals and even in frames on walls. In addition to my illustration I create large pastel drawings which are regularly exhibited in Melbourne and Sydney, then find homes all over the world.

Penguin Australia, Puffin Australia, Harper Collins, Walker Books, Hardie Grant, Longman Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, Pearson, Melbourne University, The Arts Centre Melbourne, The Melbourne Museum, Australia Post, ACP, Next Media, Hallmark, Paper File, The Ink Group,

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