Contact details
822 South Mildred Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Tel: +1 000 0 00
Brief Summary
Gina Triplett grew up in rural Minnesota, surrounded by fields, woods and corn. An early penchant for telling stories to her many younger siblings led her to the narrative and expressive format of illustration.
The basis of Gina's work is a nuanced and long-refined sense of line. She uses this visual signature to explore formats that have ranged from clothing, to books, magazines, packaging, and interiors. Her line was first developed as a component of a multi media painting format. Now, she employs it as much by itself as with other materials. Over the years, Gina has exhibited extensively in the U.S and abroad. She considers gallery work as the time to explore themes that later become the expressive range tapped upon for commissioned work. Gina's career has been built upon this sense of keeping a thin line between the work she does of her own accord and the work she does in collaboration with her illustration clients.
She now works live and works in Philadelphia, PA.
Partial Client List:
Chronicle Books
Converse Shoes
Entertainment Weekly
Little, Brown & Co.
The New York Times
Random House
RCA Records
Rolling Stone
Urban Outfitters
Awards and Press
Communication Arts Illustration Annual
Print Regional Design Annual
Step, January/February 2006, "Women in Illustration"
Communication Arts, May/June 2006 "Fresh"
Print, March/April 2002, "New Visual Artists: 20 Under 30"
Society of Illustrators, New York
Society of Illustrators, LA #44, Gold Medal
Illustration Now, Taschen
The Fabulous Colored Pencils of the World, Associazione Culturale Teatrio
The Picture Book, Laurence King
American Illustration # 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, Amilus
Curvy 3, Yen