Lili Mcintire
Interior Design, San Diego California United States
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Contact details
587 S. Coast Hwy 101
Tel: 760 7535500
Brief Summary
Gardenology is a retail home furnishings and interior design boutique with two brick and mortar establishments in Southern California. In business since 2002, Gardenology was a forerunner in the upscale outdoor market and has proven to be a forward-thinking leader in the home design arena. The Gardenology style does not fit into any particular category- our style can best be described as 'contemporary casual rustic European chic'. It's a mix of styles..creating one's own unique eclectic design aesthetic. The cornerstone of our style and collections comes from a deep connection to the organic and rustic with a twist of contemporary creating harmony between indoors and out...always mixing it up with new and creative ideas.

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