Professional Experience
Exposure& Expertise:
Product Development Life Cycle & Product Design process
Design Research including Contextual Inquiry, Ethnography, User research
Product Design involving Concept Sketching, Ideation, Form Exploration, Benchmarking, TRIZ, QFD, Product Design Specification, DFMA
CAID, 3D Modeling, Rendering & Class A Surfacing
Demonstrated ability in expressing ideas by Freehand Sketching, Story Boarding etc.
User Centered Design, Usability, Human Factors & Ergonomics
Excellent Visualization skills including Manual, Digital & Photorealistic Rendering
Materials & Manufacturing techniques, Automotive Manufacturing
Hands-on Model making experience in PU Foam, POP, Polystyrene, Wood, Plastic, Clay & Cardboard
MSc in Product design, 2010, Merit at MSRSAS, Bangalore (Affiliated to Coventry University, UK)
BE in Automobile Engineering, 2003, 10th Rank at MCE, Hassan, Karnataka. (VTU)
Computer Skills:
2D : Photoshop, Illustrator, Coreldraw, Sketchbook, Visio
3D : Alias, CatiaV5, UGNX5, ProE, Solidworks, Rhino, TcVis, Hypershot
Others : Flash, Dreamweaver, Creax Innovation Suite, Rapidform, DFMA, Teamcenter, Office
Professional Experience: 5 years (Engineer)